Natural Wood Treated for Termites Warranty
You have 2 warrantees when you have an installed project for your home, a manufacturer warranty and an installation warranty.
Manufacturer warranty for natural wood is mother nature…so no warranty there. There is NO WARRANTY for warpage, wain, cracking, splitting, grain raising…this is a Natural Characteristic of natural wood outside in the elements.
Chemical manufacturer warranty is a 10 year warranty for structural integrity of the fence for the purpose in which intended, against termite and insect and mold fungus.
Bryant Fence 2 year warranty on all installed wood fencing. This covers the installation of fencing to industry standards, 100% pure concrete, posts set to correct depth, backing rails and pickets attached with ring shank galvanized nails specifically designed for use in treated lumber. Gates have large 8″ hinges and metal gravity latches. Natural wood gates will twist, sag, warp and this is not covered by any warranty period.
For a gate warranty see our manufactured vinyl gate 5 year warranty.
Bryant Fence Company installed wood fence projects also come with an allowance of 5 picket boards per 100′ installed fence. This allowance (not warranty) is for the pickets only, and is valid for up to 18 months from completion of fencing project. Your fault, our fault, no ones fault…5 picket boards allowance per 100′ installed for up to 18 months. Dog chews a board up, knot falls out, board breaks, hit by lawnmower, car backs into it…no problem. No truck charge, no labor charge, no material charge when replacing picket allowance in rotation.
We normally schedule board replacements in the spring(beginning of season) and again in the fall (end of season), following a geographic coverage area once a week. We do not expect you specifically to have an issue with the fence lumber, but with all of the wood fencing we install each year we expect some calls for some replacement boards. If you have an emergency (your dog is getting out) then call us for a fast response, otherwise we will pick up your service call in rotation.