Vinyl Picket Fence is a Traditional Close Picket Fence

Vinyl Picket Fence – Popular Pool Fence

Vinyl picket fence is one of the most popular swimming pool fences. Vinyl picket fences are open to view the pool activities and these fences require no maintenance.

That’s right! No maintenance, as in no sanding, no splinters, no priming, no painting!  Vinyl Picket Fence is also impervious to termites, carpenter ants, and the pesky carpenter bees, you know the ones that look like a bumblebee and drill holes into wood structures.

Vinyl Picket Fence – Factory Direct Options

We are the factory! So we can build you hundreds of styles of closed vinyl picket fence.  It is described as a closed fence because the top rail is closed (not routed) so pickets don’t extend out the top.  These closed vinyl picket fence styles will vary according to your design.  Pickets can be 3′, 4′, 5′ high or in between.  The vinyl pickets can be several widths such a 7/8″x1-1/2″, 7/8″x3″, 1″x1″, 1-3/8″x1-3/8″ and others are available.

Another variation on the pickets will be the spacing, and by this I mean not only the amount of space between the pickets, but also the spacing and the pickets.

Let me clarify this point. You may assume that all picket fences will have the same spacing between pickets and the same pickets in the fence.  Not So!  Since we are the factory, you may choose the spacing and the pickets.  For example, for the ORNL branch in Madisonville, Tn we alternated a closed picket fence with picket sizes of 7/8″ x 1-1/2″ with  a picket size of 7/8″x6″ and multiple spacing options.  That was a little tricky to program, and once programed…simply to process with a totally unique fence for their branch.

Along with a smooth safety bar (top rail) and picket options, you also have options for post caps.  The most popular post caps are the Gothic Cap, Nantucket Cap, and the simple Pyramid Cap. We have other post cap options available and these are the most popular.

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