Windsor Wood Picket Fence Maryville Tn
Windsor Natural Wood Picket
Are you in the market for a wood picket fence this year? Maryville, Tennessee is in the heart of the TERMITE BELT! All wood fences are subject to these efficient termite colonies UNLESS they are specifically chemically treated for Subterranean Termites. How do you know if your potential fence is specifically treated for termites? ASK THE SALESMAN TO PUT IT IN WRITING!
If your lumber is not chemically treated for termites, it will succumb to termites and other insects! What about red cedar, white cedar, spruce, fir, cypress, swamp cedar..and the list goes on! NO! THESE SPECIES ARE NOT CHEMICALLY TREATED FOR TERMITES! The salesman may tell you that they are naturally resistant to insects, and that is a half-truth (at best) here in the termite belt. You see, most of the wood fences using these lumber types are highly susceptible to termites and insects, but in cold northern regions, the wood fences get a 6-month break from insects. Not so in the termite belt. Our termites are active 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!
Most of the “KNOCK OFF CEDAR” lumber is cut from small trees, meaning that part of the cut wood is heartwood (seasoned, more resistant) and the sapwood (fresh growing, less resistant). You can see the color difference when you have a reddish and yellow color on the same board! If not for termites and carpenter bees and carpenter ants, these “KNOCK OFF CEDARS” would be great fences.
Naturally, resistant lumber might do well in cold Northern climates, but in the TERMITE BELT, these Subterranean Termites eat 24 hours a day every day! How serious is the termite problem? Check outside your home to see if you have termite bait traps dug into the ground around your home. Termites are a very serious problem here in Maryville, Knoxville, and Chattanooga and will have to be dealt with before or after their handiwork.
In the spring, you may notice what looks like very aggressive bumble bees buzzing overhead and around the wood fencing. These are not bumblebees, but carpenter bees and males do not sting. They cut small 9mm holes into softwoods like cedar, cypress, fir, and spruce….the “KNOCK OFF CEDAR” fencing. How do you control these bees? What are they good for? Are there any traps for them? Check out the connection between carpenters bees and natural wood fencing. Can they drill their holes into treated lumber? YES. Will the insecticide kill them? NO. Why not? Because, unlike termites that eat and ingest the cellulose fiber, carpenter bees will cut out the hole and you will see the sawdust on the ground below. How do you deal with carpenter bees if you already have them?
Are you looking for a natural wood fence that has some flair to it? Check out this natural wood WINDSOR WOOD PICKET fence with French gothic post tops and a decorative downward scallop accent cut. The Windsor wood picket featured on the left is in the Maryville’s Historic District across from the Maryville College campus.
Have you been told that you can’t get that picket fence in 5′ high treated for termite wood fencing?
Of course, you can get that beautiful 5′ high Windsor fence in natural treated for termites wood fencing. Many customers think that they can only get the fence in the KNOCK OFF CEDAR but that’s not true! If you are spending your money on natural wood fencing, make sure you don’t lose it to termites.
Great options are available here with the picket fence styles. The Windsor wood picket can be built in our factory using lower-cost shop labor to build panels, reducing installation time and cost. The choice of picket topping is also available in gothic picket top or precision end trim. The two major downsides to having the prebuilt panels installed are that racking the fence (up/down slopes) weakens the fence, corners are wrapped (at the corners the section cuts, then continues on the next side), and gapping under the fence (built square so the bottom of the fence is a straight line, even at an angle).
Great news: Stick-built on-site Windsor wood picket fencing is custom built to your grade! No racking is required since it’s built on your site, and that makes a stronger fence. It will take longer to build your fence on-site, but you can have the pickets drop to the ground and close up any gaps under the fence. By building your fence on-site, no wrapping of the fence is required, which means that all of the sections in each line are equally spaced for a cleaner and more precise appearance.