Best Wood Fence for Dogs
People look at the top of fencing for a nice consistent look. Dogs, however, will run along the inside of the fence checking for gaps at the bottom. The fencing here is using treated lumber for termites, stick-built on-site, tight to the ground with the top trimmed out for a clean look.
Charleston Wood Privacy Fence
Is Your Pet Aggressive or Passive?
When considering backyard fencing, you should also consider the temperament of your pet. A picket fence or a spaced privacy fence opens the view so your pet can see outside the fence. The spacing is usually small so the pets cannot stick their head through the fence. However, consider that smaller children may see your pets and stick their hands inside to pet your dog and may be bitten. In the case of aggressive dogs, you may want to choose a complete privacy fence with no openings.
Dogs that have been socialized, and are comfortable with children, adults, and other dogs will probably like the view from a spaced picket fence or a spaced privacy fence.
Privacy vs Picket Wood Fence
First, you need to consider the dog you have or are going to get. For larger breeds, you probably want a variation of the privacy fence. This means 8′ posts set 2′ to 2-1/2′ deep in 100% concrete. Choices are full privacy (pickets butted tight together), spaced privacy (specific spacing between pickets), and shadowbox (pickets alternating on both sides); however, this is very difficult to clean and stain, and weed eating is difficult.
For smaller breeds, you may want to choose a less expensive picket fence. This will normally have 2 backing rails (nothing in the middle to climb) and spacing between the pickets. Why does it cost less? The posts are the same, the concrete is the same, only 2 backing rails, fewer smaller pickets, fewer nails, and it requires less labor to install than the privacy fence.
Fitted to Grade, Trim out the Top
The objective of having a backyard fence is to keep your pet secure and safe. Too short a fence or fencing with gaping holes underneath defeats the purpose of fencing in your yard.
By nailing the picket boards on the job site (vs prebuilt panel fencing), pickets can be placed directly on the ground or barely off the ground to secure the backyard.
What does that look like? It will be fitted tight to the ground to keep pets in, but the top will have all the pickets staggered heights in a terrible-looking fence. The last step is to trim the top of the fence in an arc (Charleston) or a scallop (Windsor).
This will balance the fence: Tight to the ground, clean across the top.
By the way, when choosing your picket fence, always make sure the LOWEST POINT ABOVE GRADE IS 4′ OR MORE. Why? Because a selling point for your home is a minimum 4′ height for most pets. If someone is looking to buy your home and the fence is too short for their pet, they may pass or ask for a fencing allowance.