Can I fence on a sloped terrain?
The rolling hills of East Tennessee can be beautiful and burdensome when you are building a fence. Your backyard is likely graded so that it slopes away from the house. If you are considering a fence, you may be wondering exactly how a fence can be installed along those rolling hills. Not to worry! You can have a fence installed on sloped terrain, but there are a few factors that will make a difference in how your fence will be installed.
Methods of Installation
Stepping Method
The Stepping Method of fence installation used on a sloped terrain extends the length of the posts while leaving the rails horizontal. This method leaves an excessive amount of space between the bottom of the fence and the ground. It is important to consider the purpose of your fence. This method would not be reasonable for keeping in pets. You would need an alternative to run along the bottom of the fence where the gap is wide. However, if this fence is for curb appeal or defining the property line, it could be a useful method.
Racking Method
The Racking Method of fence installation used on a sloped terrain allows the horizontal rails to follow the slope of the terrain. There may still be a small gap at the bottom of the fence, but it will be much smaller than the Stepping Method. The Racking Method works best with fences that are built on-site rather than fences that are built with panels. Although fences that are built with panels can be racked to a certain degree it can be a more difficult job of racking them to follow the slope of the terrain and may require enlarged rail and picket holes.
Type of Material
Wood and Vinyl fencing can both be built on-site or made using panels. Both of these types of fencing materials can be used for fence installation on sloped terrain.
Style of Fence
The most attractive style of fencing for close-to-the-ground fence installation on a slope is either the Scoop Style fence or Rainbow Style fence. These fences are both built on-site and each board is placed flush with the ground. Then the arch is made and the top is sawed off to show a beautifully manicured top to your fence. These fence styles work great on sloped terrain.
Questions to Ask When Installing on a Sloped Terrain
What is the purpose of my fence?
Does the spacing matter?
If you need a fence to keep pets in the fence, then the Racking Method will work best for your fence. If spacing isn’t an issue, either option will work.
What method do I find most attractive for curb appeal?
This depends on your style and the look of your home. Either will work!
How steep is the slope?
If the slope is very steep then the Stepping Method is the best option. If the slope is minimal then either option will work.
Are You Ready for a FREE Estimate?
We offer a FREE estimate with one of our Fence Specialists. We would love to help you plan your fencing project and create a plan that will allow you to utilize your backyard this Spring and Summer! You can Contact Us to set up an appointment.