Why do these styles all cost the same? They have about the same amount of aluminum, the posts are the same, the concrete the same, the rails are the same, the installation labor is the same! So why do our competitors charge more? If you are looking for GREAT ALUMINUM FENCING give us a call 865-947-9663
We have the largest in stock sitting inventory of RESIDENTIAL BACKYARD ALUMINUM FENCING in EAST TENNESSEE, PERIOD!
How do we keep such a large inventory in stock ready for your purchase? SIMPLE we are the authorized factory STOCKING DEALER for ALUMINUM FENCING. We also receive regular weekly truck shipments to replace our inventory.
What does that mean for you? Great inventories of BLACK RESIDENTIAL ALUMINUM FENCING, GATES, GATE HARDWARE, GATE ACCESSORIES, anything to do with aluminum fencing.
GREAT QUESTION! Yes we do. We could order in from several different manufacturers such as Jerith, Delgard (same company now) Elite, Armor Guard, Spec-Rail etc. Orders like that (job orders) usually take 2-4 weeks to be built and delivered to a contractor. Instead, we actually carry the most popular color BLACK, most popular fence styles and gates ALREADY here at our warehouse.
However, 99% of our business is RESIDENTIAL FENCING. The most popular aluminum fence color is BLACK (looks like black wrought iron…without the constant sanding, priming, painting). We purchase TRUCKLOAD quantities of BLACK ALUMINUM FENCING and GATES of our most popular styles AMERICAN CLASSIC and TRADITIONAL ENGLISH at great savings…passed on to you!
So what if you need replacement parts for your fence? We have BLACK RESIDENTIAL posts, line posts, corner posts, end posts, gates posts, pickets, press point pickets, blank rails, routed rails, wall mo
unts, swivel wall mounts IN STOCK!
Check out these aluminum backyard fencing styles to see which ones you like. Click on the photo to jump to that styles page, it will have several fence styles and descriptions for further review. There are also pages for aluminum gates, decorative gates, aluminum backyard fencing accessories, and finally a section for local pool codes authorities. Have fun with this aluminum backyard fencing section and let us know if we can help you further.
Check down at the bottom of the page for pricing and costs of installed aluminum backyard fencing or jump to the ALUMINUM BACKYARD FENCING PRICING PAGE.
Aluminum Backyard Fencing – How Much Does it Cost?
Invariably one of the first questions fence shoppers want to know about is : How Much does aluminum backyard fencing cost? I will try to do my best to explain some general pricing guidelines. With all of the various styles, heights, picket spacing, footages, gates, decorative gates the pricing for aluminum backyard fencing will vary greatly so I am going to give you some pricing ranges for our most common Traditional English style of 48″ aluminum backyard fencing. Remember, pricing changes with the amount of aluminum and the difficulty of the installation, so this is a range of our most popular style fence with an average yard and installation.
The purchase of any large ticket item generally has many options available to vary the price of that item. The same is true about aluminum backyard fencing and we want to focus in on three key principle points of interest and educating you to these options, making sure you get the features that you want
Aesthetically pleasing – Aluminum Fencing is a beautiful choice in fencing, with no maintenance that means no sanding, scaping, or painting. Also no warped, twisted fencing, no splinter, no rust.
Quality – Integrity of the American Made (note I said American Made, not just assembled here)Aluminum Fencing is unsurpassed from the aluminum extrusions to the powder coated paint.
Longevity – All of our Aluminum Fencing has a manufacturer’s lifetime warranty.
These principles apply to most fencing shoppers. They will see their fence every day as they leave home and are coming back up the drive as long as they live in that home.
Maximum enjoyment with minimum maintenance most shoppers go with the fencing that will make them happiest in the long run.
Unfortunately, some people only focus on the initial price of the fencing with the goal of finding the cheapest contractor, sacrificing low-maintenance, quality, quality of installation, warranty, and aesthetics, which inevitable leads to regret, especially when considering “trading out a fence” is a very expensive project.
Aluminum Backyard Fencing
As you can see in the analysis above, the INITIAL COST of an aluminum fence vs. a natural wood fence is about 40%. Now lets take a look at the whole picture. If you take into consideration the staining (2 coats, inside and outside) during the first year and add that to the initial costs of wood fencing, then Maintenance Free Aluminum Fencing is only 15% more than wood fencing!
Here is a list of some common add-ons found in the purchase of aluminum backyard fencing:
Standard height 48″ normal height and most popular
Secondary height 60″ slightly higher fencing and more secure
Third height 72″ full six foot high, not recommended for residential
Normal picket spacing 4″ for pool code
Extra pickets to close spacing to 3″ for smaller pets
Extra pickets to close spacing to 1-1/2″ for really small pets…lap dogs
Decorative ball post caps
Concrete floor mounts
Decorative Finials
Gates 4′ wide, 5′ wide, 6′ wide, Car gates
Arched Gates, Rolling Arch Gates, Estate Gates
Access Panels for Vehicles
Self Closing Hinges
Magnetic Latches
Security Code Latches
Gate operators
Aluminum Backyard Fencing – Pricing
As you can see there are many options available, when you receive a quote from our company, we review each option and educate you on the options benefits/features and identify its overall importance to the success of your project within your projects defined objectives and budget.
When an inquiry is made as to how much our aluminum backyard fencing costs, we need to view the actual job site to assess the level of installation difficulty that project contains (heavily wooded-lots of tree roots, boulders in ground, back filled areas require substantially more foundation support, on extreme grade elevations, extensive core drilling into concrete).
For our purpose here we will use a fairly common footage yard of 230′ of 48″ aluminum backyard fencing with 2 gates and an access panel. For a turnkey job, which includes everything necessary to complete the work: licensed insured contractor, concrete, aluminum fence materials, installed fencing, and clean up
Customers will spend $5600 to $9300 for a turn-key project, with the majority falling into the $6300 to $7200 price range
As you can probably see, the pricing ranges will vary quite a bit, just as they should considering everyone has different personal tastes, objectives, and budgets when it comes to securing down a property.
Why settle for less, with Bryant Fence Company customization options you can choose a less expensive production model no maintenance aluminum fence or upgrade to countless options that will meet your specific requirements.
All of these fences have been installed by Bryant Fence Company with references available on request.